See Saw
(Wright) 4:36

Marigolds are very much in love, but he doesn't mind
Picking up his sister, he makes his way into the seas or land
All the way she smiles
She goes up while he goes down, down
Sits on a stick in the river
Laughter in his sleep
Sister's throwing stones, hoping for a hit
He doesn't know so then
She goes up while he goes down, down
Another time, another day
A brother's way to leave
Another time, another day

She'll be selling plastic flowers on a Sunday afternoon

Picking up weeds, she hasn't got the time to care
All can see he's not there
She grows up for another man, and he's down
Another time, another day
A brother's way to leave
Another time, another day
Another time, another day
A brother's way to leave


From Album: A Saucerful of Secrets

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