Dominoes (Barrett) 4:08

It's an idea, someday
in my tears, my dreams
don't you want to see her proof?
Life that comes of no harm
you and I, you and I and dominoes, the day goes by...

You and I in place
wasting time on dominoes
a day so dark, so warm
life that comes of no harm
you and I and dominoes, time goes by...

Fireworks and heat, someday
hold a shell, a stick or play
overheard a lark today
losing when my mind's astray
don't you want to know with your pretty hair
stretch your hand, glad feel,
in an echo for your way.

It's an idea, someday...

It's an idea, someday
in my tears, my dreams
don't you want to see her proof?
Life that comes of no harm
you and I, you and I and dominoes, the day goes by...


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