Take A Breath Lyrics

Take a breath
Take a deep breath now
Take a breath
A deep breath now
Take a breath

When you're down is where you find yourself
When you're drown there's nothing else
If you're lost you'll need to turn yourself
Then you'll find out that there's no one else

To make the moves that you can do
When you fall from grace your eyes in blue
Your every breath becomes another world
And the far horizon's living hell

Take a breath
A deep breath now

This kind of love is hard to find
I never got to you by being kind
If I'm the one to throw you overboard
At least I showed you how to swim for shore

When you're down is where you'll know yourself
Then if you're drown there's nothing else
When you're lost you need to find yourself
Then you'll find out that there's no one else

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