A Pillow of Winds Lyrics
(Waters, Gilmour) 5:13

A cloud of eiderdown
Draws around me
Softening a sound.
Sleepy time, and I lie,
With my love by my side,
And she's breathing low.

And the candle dies.

When night comes down
You lock the door.
The book falls to the floor.
As darkness falls
The waves roll by,
The seasons change
The wind is wry.

Now wakes the hour
Now sleeps the swan
Behold the dream
The dream is gone.
Green fields are calling
It's falling, in a golden door.

And deep beneath the ground,
The early morning sounds
And I go down.
Sleepy time, and I lie,
With my love by my side,
And she's breathing low.

And I rise, like a bird,
In the haze, when the first rays
Touch the sky.

And the night wings die.


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